Survey of intersex Australians commences!
Folks at the University of New England, OII Australia, the AISSGA, and the National LGBTI Health Alliance have collaborated to create a detailed initial study of the circumstances, histories and needs of people born with atypical sex characteristics.
The project has a joint reference group with community involvement. We’re sure that there imperfections, but we’re confident that it’s the most appropriate and relevant study yet undertaken for our own community.
We’re hoping for a broad level of participation by Australian resident people born with intersex variations. Please consider participating, and sharing with friends and other networks.
Thank you so much!
More information
Here’s the full introductory text for the study:
My name is Dr Tiffany Jones, and I am a Senior Lecturer at UNE’s School of Education and La Trobe’s ARCSHS. I am conducting a survey of AUSTRALIANS BORN WITH CONGENITAL VARIATIONS IN SEX CHARACTERISTICS (Intersex/ DSD/ hormonal, chromosomal or other biological variations/conditions):
Some terms that you may have heard to describe these variations are: Intersex, DSD/ Disorder of Sex Development/ Diverse Sex Development, atypical reproductive or sex development condition or variation whether hormonal, chromosomal, or otherwise biological (e.g. CAIS, Klinefelters, Turners, PCOS and many others).
This project has been developed under the advice of a Reference Group including Morgan Carpenter of Organisation Intersex International (OII) Australia; Bonnie Hart of The Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Support Group Australia, and Dr Gávi Ansara of the National LGBTI Health Alliance. If you are interested in telling us about your experiences of health, education and social supports, please see the linked participant information sheet which goes into detail about the survey and what it involves, and how this data will be used.
This project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of New England (Approval No HE15-044 Valid to 1st April 2016).
Kind regards and thank you for considering this study,
Dr Tiffany Jones
Dr Tiffany Jones
BCA BEd(Hons 1) PhD
Senior Lecturer, Contextual Studies in Education, School of Education
University of New England, Education Building, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia
/Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
La Trobe University, 215 Franklin St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
+61 2 6773 3847
This survey has now closed. If you were one of the 288 survey participants, or you helped to distribute the study information, thank you!