Joint statement to the Congregation for Catholic Education

Two orchid flowers
English / español / italiano

Joint Statement on “Male and Female He Created Them”, Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, by the Congregation for Catholic Education

We, intersex-led and allied networks, organizations and activists, express our grave concern regarding the position adopted by the Congregation for Catholic Education in regard to people born with variations of sex characteristics. The document treats us as validly existing only when unnamed, and pathologized as subjects of forced and coercive medical interventions. This will cause profound distress to many intersex people and our families. We reject these positions because of their intrinsic harm to intersex people.

Intersex people were affirmed by Jesus in Matthew 19:12, and by Augustine in City of God 16:8. For more than a millennium, Catholic Canon law regarded intersex people as valid and existing: as “hermaphrodites”, to be regarded in tracts on marriage and ordination as female or male depending upon predominant characteristics.[1] To us, it appears as though the erasure of that language in recent decades has also erased institutional memories. That harmful erasure is compounded in the document’s separation of the modern term, intersex (para 25), from a description of our bodies (para 24). It is painfully clear that the authors of this document did not consider, let alone confer with, the many intersex people across the world who are members of the Catholic faith.

Intersex people are those people born with variations of sex characteristics. We are profoundly troubled by the reproduction of pathologizing language to refer to our bodies, and the reaffirmation of medical authority over them. All around the world, intersex people face gross human rights violations, including medically unnecessary “normalizing” interventions, and the concealment of such practices on individuals from themselves and from society. Consequences include insensitivity, sterilization, chronic pain, osteoporosis and depression.[2] Those interventions have been identified by intersex organizations and human rights institutions as amounting to torture and ill treatment in medical settings.[3] Medical science should not be used to “construct individual identity” on the basis of outdated gender stereotypes, this is a source of great harm: it should be used where necessary to affirm individuals’ personal decisions.

Medical science does not exist outside of society, and does not hold the foremost expertise regarding intersex experiences: intersex people do. In past decades, medical professionals have adopted a violent and medically unfounded relationship with intersex bodies. The idea that forced and coercive medical interventions are necessary to build a healthy identity has never been supported by scientific evidence.

The suffering of people who, according to the document “have to live situations of sexual indeterminacy” (para 24) is primarily created by social stigma, by forced and coercive medical interventions, and also by approaches to pastoral care that separate us from our own affirmative language, and so from our peers and community.

The Yogyakarta Principles Plus Ten have defined sex characteristics as “each person’s physical features relating to sex, including genitalia and other sexual and reproductive anatomy, chromosomes, hormones, and secondary physical features emerging from puberty”, stating that “sex characteristics” must be considered an explicit ground for protection from violations of human rights.[4]


We urge the Congregation in particular and the Catholic Church in general to change its position on variations of sex characteristics; to defend and promote intersex people’s bodily autonomy and integrity.

We call for dialogue that recognizes our existence, that affirms our right to determine what happens to our bodies, our right to know the truth about our medical treatments, and that ends stigmatization and human rights violations.

Declaración conjunta sobre “Varón y mujer los creó” para una vía de diálogo sobre la cuestión de la teoría del género en la educación, por la Congregación para la Educación Católica

Nosotr*s, las redes dirigidas por personas intersex y aliad*s, organizaciones y activistas, expresamos nuestra grave preocupación concerniente a la postura adoptada por la Congregación para la Educación Católica con respecto a las personas nacidas con variaciones de las características sexuales. El documento considera nuestra existencia como válida solo cuando permanece innombrada, siendo patologizad*s como sujet*s de intervenciones médicas forzadas y coercitivas. Esto causará una profunda angustia a muchas personas intersex y a nuestras familias. Rechazamos estas posturas debido a su daño intrínseco a las personas intersex.

Las personas intersex fueron afirmadas por Jesús en Mateo 19:12, y por Agustín en la Ciudad de Dios 16:8. Durante más de un milenio, la ley canónica católica consideró a las personas intersex como válidas y existentes: como “hermafroditas”, para ser consideradas en tratados sobre el matrimonio y la ordenación, como femeninos o masculinos, según las características predominantes. [1] A nuestro parecer, el borrado de ese lenguaje en las últimas décadas también ha borrado la memoria institucional. Ese perjudicial borrado se complica en la separación del documento del término moderno, intersex (párrafo 25), de una descripción de nuestros cuerpos (párrafo 24). Es dolorosamente claro que l*s autores de este documento no consideraron, ni mucho menos consultaron, a las muchas personas intersex de todo el mundo que son miembr*s de la fe católica.

Las personas intersex son aquellas que nacen con variaciones de las características sexuales. Estamos profundamente preocupados por la reproducción del lenguaje patologizante para referirse a nuestros cuerpos y la reafirmación de la autoridad médica sobre ellos. En todo el mundo, las personas intersex se enfrentan a graves violaciones de los derechos humanos, incluidas las intervenciones de “normalización”, innecesarias desde el punto de vista médico, y el ocultamiento de tales prácticas en los individuos y en la sociedad. Las consecuencias incluyen insensibilidad, esterilización, dolor crónico, osteoporosis y depresión. [2] Estas intervenciones han sido identificadas por organizaciones intersex e instituciones de derechos humanos como equivalentes a tortura y malos tratos en entornos médicos [3]. La ciencia médica no debe utilizarse para “construir una identidad individual” sobre la base de estereotipos de género obsoletos, esto es una fuente de gran daño: debe usarse cuando sea necesario, para afirmar las decisiones personales de los individuos.

La ciencia médica no existe afuera de la sociedad, y no ostenta la experiencia más importante con respecto a las experiencias intersex: las personas intersex, sí. En décadas pasadas, los profesionales médicos han adoptado una relación violenta y médicamente infundada con los cuerpos intersex. La idea de que las intervenciones médicas forzadas y coercitivas son necesarias para construir una identidad saludable nunca ha sido respaldada por evidencia científica.

El sufrimiento de las personas que, según el documento, “tienen que vivir situaciones de indeterminación sexual” (párrafo 24), es creado principalmente por el estigma social, por las intervenciones médicas forzadas y coercitivas, y también por los enfoques de la atención pastoral que nos separan de nuestro propio lenguaje afirmativo, y por lo tanto de nuestr*s pares y comunidad.

Los Principios de Yogyakarta + 10 han definido las características sexuales como “las características físicas de cada persona relacionadas con el sexo, incluidos los genitales y demás anatomía sexual y reproductiva, los cromosomas, las hormonas y las características físicas secundarias que emergen de la pubertad”, y establecen que las “características sexuales” deben considerarse un motivo explícito para la protección contra las violaciones de los derechos humanos. [4]


Instamos a la Congregación en particular y a la Iglesia Católica en general, a cambiar su posición sobre las variaciones de las características sexuales; defender y promover la autonomía e integridad corporal de las personas intersex.

Llamamos a un diálogo que reconozca nuestra existencia, que afirme nuestro derecho a determinar qué sucede con nuestros cuerpos, nuestro derecho a saber la verdad sobre nuestros tratamientos médicos y que termine con la estigmatización y las violaciones de los derechos humanos.

Dichiarazione congiunta su «Maschio e femmina li creò» Per una via di dialogo sulla questione del gender nell’educazione della Congregazione per l’educazione Cattolica.

Noi, reti, organizzazioni e attivistɜ intersex e alleatɜ, esprimiamo la nostra forte preoccupa- zione sulla posizione adottata dalla Congregazione per l’educazione Cattolica in relazione alle persone nate con variazioni delle caratteristiche di sesso. La dichiarazione ci tratta come realmente esistenti solo se innominatɜ e patologizzatɜ in quanto soggetti sottoposti ad inter- venti medici forzati e coercitivi. Questo provocherà forti disagi a molte persone intersex e alle loro famiglie. Noi rifiutiamo queste posizioni a causa dei danni intrinseci che possono causare alle persone intersex.

Le persone intersex vengono nominate da Gesù in Matteo 19:12, e da Agostino nella Città di Dio 16:8. Per più di un millennio il diritto canonico della Chiesa Cattolica ha riconosciuto l’esistenza e il valore giuridico delle persone intersex: come “ermafroditi” che devono essere considerati femmine o maschi in base alle loro caratteristiche dominanti, ai fini del matrimo- nio o dell’ordinazione sacerdotale. [1]

A noi sembra che l’eliminazione di tale linguaggio in tempi recenti abbia comportato anche la cancellazione della memoria istituzionale. Questa dannosa cancellazione è aggravata, in que- sta dichiarazione, dalla separazione dell’utilizzo del moderno termine intersex (par. 25), dalla descrizione dei nostri corpi (par. 24). È dolorosamente evidente che gli autori di questo do- cumento non considerano né si sono consultate con le molte persone intersex nel mondo, che appartengono alla religione cattolica.

Le persone intersex sono quelle persone nate con variazioni delle caratteristiche del sesso. Siamo profondamente preoccupatɜ per la riproduzione di un linguaggio patologizzante in re- lazione ai nostri corpi, e per la riaffermazione dell’autorità medica su di essi.

In tutto il mondo, le persone intersex affrontano gravi violazioni dei loro diritti umani, inclusi interventi medici non necessari per “normalizzare”, e il relativo occultamento di tali pratiche agli individui stessi e alla società.
Le conseguenze di tali interventi includono: insensibilità, sterilizzazione, dolori cronici, osteoporosi e depressione.[2] Questi interventi sono stati riconosciuti dalle organizzazioni intersex e dalle istituzioni per i diritti umani come paragonabili a forme di tortura e maltrat- tamenti all’interno delle strutture mediche.[3]

La scienza medica non dovrebbe essere usata per “costruire identità individuali” sulla base di stereotipi di genere superati, perché questo comporta grave danno: dovrebbe invece essere usata, laddove necessario, per affermare decisioni personali degli individui.

La scienza medica non esiste al di fuori della società, e non detiene competenze esclusive re- lative alle esperienze delle persone intersex, queste le detengono le persone intersex stesse. I professionisti del settore medico, nei decenni passati, hanno avuto una relazione violenta e clinicamente infondata con i corpi intersex. L’idea che interventi medici forzati e coercitivi siano necessari per costruire identità sane non è mai stata provata scientificamente.

La sofferenza delle persone che secondo la dichiarazione “devono vivere situazioni di inde- terminatezza sessuale” (pa.a 24) è principalmente dovuta allo stigma sociale, agli interventi medici forzati e coercitivi, e anche all’approccio del trattamento pastorale che ci separa, dal- l’autodeterminazione di noi stessi, così come dai nostri pari e dalla nostra comunità.

I principi di Yogyakarta Plus Ten hanno definito le caratteristiche di sesso come “tratti fisici di ogni individuo legati al sesso, inclusi i genitali e altre anatomie sessuali o riproduttive, cromosomi, ormoni, e caratteristiche fisiche secondarie che si sviluppano durante la pubertà”, affermando che le “caratteristiche del sesso” devono essere considerate come motivo specifi- co di protezione da violazioni dei diritti umani.[4]


Invitiamo la Congregazione in particolare e la Chiesa Cattolica in generale a cambiare la pro- pria posizione in relazione alle variazioni nelle caratteristiche di sesso; di difendere e pro- muovere l’autonomia e l’integrità fisica delle persone intersex.

Chiediamo un dialogo che riconosca la nostra esistenza, che affermi il nostro diritto ad auto- determinare cosa succede ai nostri corpi, il nostro diritto di sapere la verità sui nostri tratta- menti medici, e che la stigmatizzazione e le violazioni dei diritti umani finiscano.

Sign the joint statement


Intersex-led organisations

Intersex Human Rights Australia, Morgan Carpenter and Tony Briffa
GATE, Mauro Cabral Grinspan
Justicia Intersex (Argentina), Mauro Cabral Grinspan
Intersex Iceland, Kitty Anderson
Bilitis Resource Center Foundation (Bulgaria), Pol Naidenov
Collectif Intersexes et Allié.e.s – OII France, Loé
interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth, Kimberly Zieselman
Brújula Intersexual (Mexico), Laura Inter
Intersex y Andrógino (Mexico), Mar IS
IntersexUK (iUK), Holly Greenberry and Joe Holliday
Brújula Intersexual Argentina, Gaby Gonzalez
Intersex Nepal, Esan Regmi
Campaign for Change (Nepal), Esan Regmi
IVIM – OII Germany, Ins A Kromminga and Ev-Blaine Matthigack
Intersex and Faith, Inc., Lianne Simon and Megan K DeFranza (PhD Marquette Univ. Religion Dept.)
Intersex Danmark, Stephanie Stine Toft
Intersex Russia/OII Russia, Irene Kuzemko
Intersex Project Mexico Adiós Al Futuro
OII Europe, Dan Christian Ghattas
InterAction Suisse, Audrey Aegerter
Brújula Intersexual Colombia, Anaid Is
AIS Support Group Australia Inc., Bonnie Hart
OII Chinese, Hiker Chiu
Intersex Greece, Irene Simeonidou
Intersex Asia, Hiker Chiu
Associação Brasileira de pessoas Intersexo, Amiel
OII SVERIGE Del LaGrace Volcano
AIS Hellas (Greece), Jackie
High Plains Intersex Society (USA), Nicholas Manchester
XY Spectrum (Serbia), Kristian Ranđelović
Intersex MOGAI (USA), Matthias Rossitier
Intersexuelle menschen e.V. (Germany), Lucie Veith and Sel Arndt
Stichting NNID (Netherlands), Inge Intven
OII Nederland (Netherlands), Miriam van der Have
Beyond the Boundary-Knowing and Concerns Intersex (Hong Kong), Small Luk
Antidiscriminationwork & Empowerment for intersex people Inter*Project of TransInterQueer e.V. (Germany), (Noah Rieser)
Intersex Community Trust Zimbabwe, Betha Tsitsi Ndabambi
Intersex Campaign for Equality Hida Viloria
AIS-DSD Support Group, Kimberly Saviano
Beyond XXY, candice cody
The UK Intersex Association (UKIA)
Intersex Awareness New Zealand (ITANZ), Georgia Andrews (Chairperson)
Brújula Intersexual Chile, Ale/Gabriel Is
Intersex Society of Zambia (ISSZ), Mphatso Sakala
Intersex Advocates and Friends (IntersexAF) (UK), Anick
intersexioni, Vale Lica and Francesca Testi
Intersex Belgium af., Bosman Thierry
Derechos Humanos Intersex, Norberto Gómez
Intersexuelle Menschen Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V. Netzwerkkoorninierende, Lucie Veith
Association of Russian Speaking Intersex, Artem Lapov, Ilia Savelev and Ally Green
Associação brasileira de pessoas Intersexo— Abrai, Amiel Modesto Vieira Rua
VIMÖ Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich / OII Austria, Tobias Humer
Egalite Intersex Ukraine, Julia Pustovit
Intersex Belgium, Kris Günther
Intersex Justice Project, Pidgeon Pagonis and Sean Saifa Wall tiimi, Tuomas Sahlberg

Intersex persons

Marissa Adams, interACT (USA)
Andrea Brukiewa
Lm Moesbergen (Netherlands)
Nancy Comiskey
Duane S Sherry
Veronica Manca
Pilar Martinez
Şefika Gümüş
Cr. Tony Briffa JP (Australia)
Abián Anakin Gonzales Montesdeoca, España
Holly Greenberry, Oii Europe & iUK
Miss Abi Jay
Jorge Gonzalo Alonso
Esan Regmi, Intersex Asia
Ana Belén, GRAPSIA (Grupo de apoyo a personas con síndrome de insensibilidad a los andrógenos y condiciones relacionadas)
Sara Gillingham
Maria Krasinski, XX-CAH Prader 2 painfully reduced against my will
Gabriel J. Martín, Intersex person
Elisabeth Bojang
Shaun Curran
Stacy Sedgewood
Megan Brukiewa
Dan Christian Ghattas
Audrey Aegerter
Donovan Ackley III, Ph.D. Intersex and Faith documentary, Advisory Committee
Morgan Carpenter
Hana Aoi, Vivir y Ser Intersex
Carlos Henrique Ramos de Oliveira
Jeff Cagandahan
Kimberly Anderson, Sacramento Native American Health Center
Camino Baró, GRAPSIA (Grupo de apoyo a personas con síndrome de insensibilidad a los andrógenos y condiciones relacionadas)
Jawa Timur
Maricarmen, Mother of intersex person
Betsy Driver, Mayor, Flemington Borough, NJ
Elise Nyhuis, As an intersex Christian, I am utterly appalled by the stance taken by the Vatican. I affirm whole heartedly this statement, interex people in the Christian tradition are fashioned in the nature of God. The Vatican’s dogmatic view does not represent this irrevocable truth. That all people are created in the image of God.
Hiker Chiu, OII Chinese
Mani B Mitchell MNZAC, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Alym Escultura, Intersex Philippines Inc.
Eileen Harlow
Kirsten Guidero
P. St Clair, AISSGA
Gopi Shankar Madurai, Intersex Representative of ILGA Asia region
Ellen Hrebeniuk (TAFENSW)
Jeanette clark
Juliette Kuling, DSD Nederland,
Haris Dimitrakopoulos
Lynnell Stephani Long
Grace Murray
Deanna Jade Bierman, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Anis Akhtar, Intersex person
Dawn Vago
Valentino Vecchietti, Intersex Human Rights Activist in the UK
Derek Tys
Sarah Corke
Elizabeth Reiff
Susan. Booth
Madame Zelda
Kristian Ranđelović
Peter Low, Intersex Human Rights Australia
Angel Lewis
Esmeralda van Rossum
Lucie Veith
Kylie Bond
Aileen Watson
Colleen McCartney
Kendal Little Wolf
Aglaia Papadima
David Joshua Edwards
Milou Nielsen
Sukhoverkova Vika
Magda Rakita,
Niels van der Spijk
Petra Ybeles Smit, Ubbergen Netherlands
Christopher Aidan Sprouls
Jennie Kermode, Scottish Intersex Forum
Benjamin Lucet, Chiesa Valdese
Dr Agli Zavros Orr, Academic
maria gisela viera
Micha Weger
Elena Hight, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emma Dunn
Jenny Murphy
Georgiann Davis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mx. Anunnaki Ray Marquez
Janet Moriarty
Jack Schlosser
Max Pecora, QSU of Hunter College
Carolyn Parsons, Cherry City Skeptics, Salem Oregon, USA
Dawn Vago
Veronica Manca
Dana Zzyym
Lara Neira
Odette Huerta, Brújula intersexual
Antoine Mayet
Mx Amazon Jackson
Georgia Andrews, Intersex Awareness New Zealand (ITANZ)
Gabby De Cicco
Scott Pyzik
Phoebe Hart, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group (Australia)
Chris Somers xxy, I support the above petition as a former international intersex activist for almost 30 years now.
Alex Stokes
Anne Kuil
Maximilian Pfalzgraf
Lenka Ortega
Sarah Bowman
amanda saenz
Paul Ferris
Valerie Peer
Victoria Taube
Rachelle Roberson
Mary K Neal
Alice Hamming
Rebecca Kay Baughman Kerns
Ari Schärer, InterAction
Norman Anja Schmidt
Andrea brukiewa
Catherine Hyndman
Rev. Sr. M. Renate CssD
Gabriela Cruz Ares
sharon watson
Naomi Hoogeweij
Claudia Balsamo
Sam Knudtson
Ellen (female with AIS)
Jarys Maragopoulos
Ally Green
Shannon M. Aloia
Annelies Tukker, NNID
Gail Grossman Freyne
Colleen McCartney
Joris A Gregor, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Janik Bastien Charlebois, Sociology Professor, UQAM, former catholic
Mrs. Wilma Swartz, Episcopalian
Kitty Anderson
Elizabeth Manning
Aleyshia Manakahae, Intersex individual subjected to surgery
Shannon Brewington
Matthew Edwards
Stephanie Lum
Kama Maclean
Mark Willcox
Manuela Falzone
Jules Joanne Gleeson, VIMÖ
Katrin Gerald Halmer
Dr Rebecca Green
Dorothea Giesche von Rüden, Intersexuelle Menschen e.V., Deutschland, OII
Marlies Marlow Ostl
Joery Buitelaar
Elena-Maria Beenen
Shone Edem, Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa
Natascha Herpich
Rachel Garfield
Emili Stevenson
Alex Jürgen, VIMÖ

Ally organisations

rubicon e.V., anti-violence project, Şefika Gümüş
Nafas LGBT Azerbaijan Alliance Cavid Nabiyev
Eurasian Coalition on Male Health – ECOM, Vitaly Djuma, Executive Director
Egale Canada, Helen Kennedy
Ökumenische Arbeitsgruppe Homosexuelle und Kirche (HuK) e.V., Michael Brinkschröder
ODRI “Intersectional rights” – Office for the Defense of Rights and Intersectionality, Andres Sifuentes
Success Capital Organisation, Dumiso Gatsha
My Genderation, Fox Fisher
Equality Network, Dr Rebecca Crowther
Access Chapter 2, Steve Letsike
The Global Interfaith Network For People of All SSOGIE, Toni Kruger-Ayebazibwe
International IDAHO Committee, Joel Bedos
Bi’s of Colour, Jacq A
OutRight Action International, Jessica Stern
MANODIVERSA, Frank Evelio Arteaga
GALE The Global Alliance for LGBTI Education, Peter Dankmeijer
Transvanilla Transgender Association, Tina Kolos Orbán
TransBoys, Kyle Sandholzer Martín
Lgbt+ Christians southampton and around, Peter Martin
Planet Ally, Bess Hepworth
International Family Equality Day, Maria von Känel
Mouvement pour les Libertés Individuelles, Star Rugori
TransAction, Aotearoa / New Zealand, Jack Byrne
United Belize Advocacy Movement
GAYA NUSANTARA Foundation, Dédé Oetomo
Transgender Victoria Inc, Sally Goldner
Rainbow School Greece, Petros Sapountzakis
The Queer Sisterhood Project, Tina Dixson
Synergia – Initiatives on Human Rights, Marcelo Ernesto Ferreyra
Jacqui Searle
Australian Catholics for Equality, Benjamin Oh
ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, Ryan Silverio
South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance, Matthew Morris
Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa, Davis Mac -Iyalla
Jakarta theological seminary, Stephen Suleeman
Bhinneka Nusantara NGO, Soe Tjen Marching
Petersham TAFE Library, Australia
Orlando LGBT+ Mental Health Beyond The Stigma, Elena Olga Christidi – Nancy Papathanasiou
Drummond Street Services/ Queerspace (Australia), Ali Hogg
Jaringan Islam Antidiskriminasi/ Islamic Network against Discrimination, Aan Anshori
Ozanne Foundation (UK), Jayne Ozanne
Thorne Harbour Health (Australia), Simon Ruth
Amplify Asia, Gary Chan
Gendered Intelligence, Jamie Pallas
TransCatholic : Roman Catholic Apostolate, Hilary Howes
PFLAG Toowoomba, Australia, Diane Spearritt
Asian Australian Rainbow Alliance, Peter Chuang
Hearts & Minds Mental Health Charity, Beth Ingram
Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Tamás Dombos
National Council of Churches in India ESHA Project, Fr Thomas Ninan
Abundant Body (Australia)
Háttér Society, Tamás Dombos
schwulenberatung berlin, Marcel de Groot
Inclusive Peterborough, Vicky Brett
ARC International, Mariana Winocur (Communications Officer)
Open Table Cambridge, Alison Binney
Open Table London & St Mary’s Kilburn & St James’ West Hampstead, Fr Robert Thompson
People with Disability Australia, Matthew Bowden, Co-CEO
Labrisz Lesbian Association, Dorottya Rédai
New Ways Ministry, Francis DeBernardo
Appalachian Catholic Worker, Jeannie Kirkhope
Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER), Mary E. Hunt
National Coalition of American Nuns, Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL
Rainbow school, Elena Skarpidou
Sex with Spirit, Christian Intimacy Coaching, Rachel Alba
Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community, Pastor Kori Pacyniak
Open Table, Liverpool, Alan Brooks
Noi FtM MtF, Veronica Manca
Resurrection Catholic Church
Allies Academy, Yvette Robertson
Alpha Omega Catholic Lesbian, Korea, Chris
Australian Greens, Senator Janet Rice
Wir sind Kirche – Österreich, Martha Heizer
Lilypad Centre, Karen Duncan
Philadelphia Corporation of Aging, Linda Marucci
We Are Church International, Colm Holmes, Chair
TIA Group (Trans, Intersex and Allies), Michelle Koleva
Jewish Studies and Social Justice program at University of San Francisco, Rabbi Camille Shira Angel
Fundación Comunidad Esperanza y Justicia Internacional (FUNCEJI), Junta Directiva
ILGA World, Julia Ehrt
The University of Sydney Pride Network, Matthew Pye
Rainbow Catholics Philippines, Eva Callueng
David & Jonathan, association LGBTI+ chrétienne Cyrille de Compiègne
New Ways Ministry, Rosemary Strange
GoGetty, Ewelina Reszke
Makai Biotechnology, Alex Stokes
De Genderbende, Eefje van der Meer
NijiTOMO LGBTIQ Catholic JAPAN, Satomi Shimada
Greek Transgender Support Association, Marina Galanou
Kaleidos, Dau García Dauder
Diversity Launceston Tasmania
Fédération des femmes du Québec
AIDS Action Council of the ACT, Philippa Moss
Aleph Melbourne Michael Barnett
University of Connecticut School of Nursing, Thomas Lawrence Long, PhD
LABEI – Liga Acadêmica Brasileira de Estudos em Intersexualidade, Marina Cortez
We Are Church Ireland, Colm Holmes, Spokesperson
UNSW LGBTIQ+ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, Bridget Haire
ÖH Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Willi Hejda
Group for LGBT Community of Szeged
Cifra-LMBTQ Közösség Kecskemét
Iniciativa Inakost (Slovakia), Martin Macko
SW Florida Call To Action, Ellen McNally
Gender Identity Research and Education Society, Terry Reed, Trustee
OUTLine New Zealand, Moira Clunie
Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Prof Basil Donovan
The National LGB&T Partnership, Paul Martin OBE, Chair
Planet X Housing Co-operative, Kata J
Birmingham LGBT, Steph Keeble
Sguardi di Confine, Valentina Colombo
Intersex & Transgender Luxembourg a.s.b.l., Dr. Erik Schneider
LGBT Consortium, Paul Roberts OBE
TransBareAll, Lee Gale
festival ¿Anormales?, Jacob Stéphane
Stonewall Housing, Bob Green
Inclusive Catholics Inc, Franklin Rosenfeldt
Consortium’s Trans Organisations Network, Shaan Knan

Ally individuals

Karlijn Swart, Parent of intersex child
Elisa, Mother of an intersex child.
Meg Robertson, Parent of two intersex children
Angelo Sison, FAMILY
Ria Sommeling, intersex person in my family
Eric Lohman, interACT (USA)
Arlene Baratz MD, AIS-DSD and interACT (USA)
Clara Maria Montesdeoca Castilla (España) (madre de una persona intersexual)
Lisa Samaniego, Parent of an Intersex person
Marine Gauthier, Mother of intersex baby
Freyja Pe* von Rüden, married with an intersex person
Gordon Weldon, Friend of an intersex individual
Stephani Lohman, Parent of an Intersex person
Jennifer Brukiewa, Parent of 4 Intersex kids
Megan K DeFranza (PhD Marquette Univ. Religion Dept.)
Deborah McAndrew, Chancellor of Leeds Trinity University
Susannah Cornwall, Senior Lecturer in Constructive Theologies, University of Exeter
Ilene Wong, MD, FACS, MidLantic Urology
Revd Dr. Bernard J Lynch, Roman Catholic Priest
Susanne Andrea Birke, roman catholic theologian
Rev’d Dr Stephen Edwards
Thomas F. Luce, Ex catholic priest, HRC, AllOut, New Ways Ministry
The Revd Canon Wyn Beynon, Church of England General Synod
James Alison, Priest, theologian
Connor Crafton-Tempel, Rowan University EMS, Freehold EMS, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Freehold, NJ, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Glassboro, NJ, The Episcopal Church, The Anglican Communion
Eva Alcántara, Brújula Intersexual
Teboho Klaas, African Methodist Episcopal Church/The Other Foundation
The Revd Nicky Skipworth, Anglican priest, OneBodyOneFaith member, human being
Father Iain Baxter, All Saints, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Revd Anthea College, Church of England
Paul Teece, Roman Catholic Priest
Professor William Loader
Dr Mitchell Travis, School of Law, University of Leeds
Emeritus Professor Peter Aggleton, Australia
Christy Newman, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney
Florence Ashley, McGill University, Faculty of Law
Terrence Charlton, S.J.
Revd James Taylor, United Reformed Church
Tony Russell-Pattison, Church of England
Robert Cotton, Church of England
Felicity Scarce, The University of Melbourne
Jane Keogh, Brigidine Sisters
Andrew Foreshew-Cain, Church of England
Margriet van Heesch, PhD, University of Amsterdam
Deanna Rose Von Bargen RSCJ
Brenda Wallace, Church of England Priest
Katrina Roen, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Marie Rowley-Brooke, Anglican priest
Fernand JEHL, Réseau Européen Eglises et Libertés (membre de la Conférence des OING au Conseil de l’Europe)
John R. Franke, Theologian in Residence, Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis; Affiliate Professor of Theology, Christian Theological Seminary
Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou, Department of Theology & Religion, University of Exeter, UK
Dr. Michela Balocchi, Research Centre on the Politics and Theories of Sexuality, University of Verona
Leah Vasey-Saunders, Priest, Church of England
Dr Tanya Ní Mhuirthile, School of Law & Government, Dublin City University
Cristina LH Traina, Professor of Religious Studies in ethics
Reverend Jenny Clarke, Church of England
Renata Zieminska, University of Szczecin, Poland
Dr Blake Gutt, University of Michigan
Mary Stephen Britt CSJB, Sister in Anglican religious Community
Christine Seghetti, Sisters of Mercy
Ana Ester Pádua Freire, Metropolitan Community Church of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Reverend Maria Shepherdson, Church of England Rector
Rev. Elizabeth Teal, Ministry of Animals, animal assisted chaplaincy
Matthew Tedeschi MA, Biblical Studies, Yale Divinity School; former Catholic high school Religious Studies teacher
Deacon Thimas Smith, Roman Catholic Church
Mr Martyn Eggleton
Holly Pullen
Jorge Gonzalo Alonso
Marks Dedes
Mhairi McGhee, Intersex Rights are Human Rights
Dumiso Gatsha
Tracey Collett
Enric Vilà Lanao, Associació Cristiana LGBTI of Catalonia
Mmapaseka Letsike
Amie Bishop, Consultant, Global Health and Human Rights
Julie Duford, Candidate au doctorat en sexologie à l’UQAM
Paul Van Ness
Elisabeth Meling
Sara Bond, Church of England, Christians for LGBTI+ Equality
Erika Baker
Merinda D’Aprano
Marc Frigon
Bill Hoard
Holly Trojan
Kay Higuera Smith
Helen King, Church of England
Elisabeth Bojang
Julie Hawksworth
Sarah W
Carys Underdown
Katie knudsen, Episcopalian
Maria M Gomez, Saint Mary’s University
Elizabeth Reis
Lydia Nelson
Reg Richburg
Claire Vandendriessche
Clare Matthews
Stephen Spillane
Susan. Gilchrist, Sibyls
Sally Gill
Jenny Gray
Melanie Plumley, Musician in R C (and other Christian) churches
Robyn Golden-Hann, Church of England
Mark Chilcott
Hilary Cotton
Marina Cortez, Fiocruz – Brazil
Tommy Hamilton, reframe NZ
Timothy Swann
Lucie-Ray Pallesi, CIA-OII France
Mara Cristina Toledo Silva, Brújula Intersexual
Leah Jones, Beverly, MA Human Rights Committee
Adrián Sánchez Pérez
Carlos Antonio Braga de Souza
Tony Reed, Rainbow Wellington
Marga Burke, Christian
Reilly Spitzfaden
Suzanne Robin
Caleb Orozco
Teri Merrick, United Methodist Church, Azusa Pacific University, Welcome to Glendora
Rebecca Barton
Vanessa Chadwick
James Knudsen
Beau Hawton
Jacqui Searle
Lisa Houston
Mel D Karmen, Ph.D.
Anastasia Romanou
Owen O’Neil
Nathan James
Zoey Campbell, Transgender Advocate
Holley Skene
Kirsten Guidero
Bronwyn O’Callaghan, AISSGA and IHRA
Majka McLean-Engstrom
Ge Ygay
Diana Sampson
George Thalassis
Faybian Stephen
Chris Ford
Rin Charlton
Dany-el Baker
Dr Stephen Kerry
Lynda Vidal
Elena Milioti
Elizabeth Websdale
Angelos Stratis
Anastasia Tsoulfa
Γιώργης Τουφεξής
Marjanna Gilchrist
Kate Toyer
Pamela Freeman
David Gibbons
Rebecca Ally
George Kounanis, LGBTQI+ Employment Support Group, Red Umbrella Athens, Colour Youth and Green Party of Greece
Poppy Louise
Heather Ginn
Betty Chandra
Kevin Halim, Trans ally for intersex friends
Lidia, Reformed Church
Ellen Hrebeniuk
Sean Leader, Catholic
Maya Vasileiadou
Dimitra Vasileiadou
Kostas Kerasiotis
Sonia Guzzardi
Stanisław Krawczyk
Erika Baker
Equivalent Pangasi
Haris Dimitrakopoulos
Jen M
Fay Orfanidou, Rainbow School
Aleksandra Bilicka
Bruce D. Watson, Christian Agnostic.
Pauline Fleck, I am a practising Catholic
Jess Marnich
Ozeni Athanasiadou
Angeliki P.
Bianca Nutt
Louise Ihlein
Tracey Myers
Hayley Matthews
Kelley Stewart, Australian College of Midwives member
Maria Mitchell
Carolyn Mercer
Jan Kulig
Maz Michael
Miriam Boyce, Supporter of rights
Lawrence Borg
Audrey Kateena
Kimberly Olsen
Laurie Krepp
Jo Jackson
Amanda Marvel
Marianne Massarany
Jacob Thomas, Queens Young Leader
Helen Lee
Jo Hirst
Ada Castle
Sue Williams
Olivia Butterworth, LGBT FOUNDATION Trustee
Tina Docanari
Susan booth
Maria Dokanari
Rebecca Alice Hills
Anne Marriott
Kathleen Jowitt
V. Gunn-King
Ruth Cronin
Barbara Mitula
Lindsay Hudd
Danny Tzabari
Paul Turner, Human Rights advocate
Lauren Fox-McLoughlan
Dexter Davison-Ling
Trevor Coad
Karen McDonald
Nicola Hodson
Genine Wakley
Alwyn Marriage
Karen Hardcastle-Rad
Andreas Lyros
Joan Vrancic
Sussie Thyssen
Jean Garnier, CCBF
Danielle Tippett
Elijah w Harris
Stephen Marriott
Monique Wicks
Trudy Osborn
Elizabeth Ryan
Sally Cripps, Lgbtiqap+ Community member
Anna Mosele
Markos karpouzis
Sinéad McMahon
Jessica Scotland-Mills
Martyna Grygierek
Tracey Jackson
Chloe Polglaze
David Bradford
Michael Dodemaide
Corey Steele
Jim Hodgson
Matthew Britton
Matthew Ng, Acceptance Sydney
Ellen Bow
Lilith Ball
Sara García Martín
Danielle Armstrong
Olivia Hogarth
Erasmia Poulaki
Kendal Little Wolf
Edwina Harrison
Sandra Degiorgio
RJ Abada
Lana Konijnenbelt
Romy Cartiere
Magdalena Kozlowski
Inge van Vught, LGBTQ+ volunteer
Ellie Bonné
Luc Saffre
James Boggs
Jane Hedgecock
Lex Peéff
Christopher Vella, Catholic – Malta
Marie Galeano
Stella (Alison) Topaz
Alexandra Toneva Peneva, Catholics have no right to interpret what is written in the holy book itself.
Isabel capitanio,
Adrianna Figiel
Lynn Webster
Liv Deni Renie Jensen
Eva Callueng, Rainbow Catholics Philippines
Sabrina Jouhsen
Dr R M Dyer
Rhonda Haines
Muriel stoddart
Pedro Freitas
marcel de groot
Line Geertsen
Lyn van Rooyen
Jackie YU
Daniel Hansen
Fabian Vogler
Ino Kehrer, Human Rights Centre, University of Padova
Niels van der Spijk
Catherine Drago
Ambre Ying
Aruna Gnanadason
Diana Chan
Leandros Chatzipanagiotis
Mariana Winocur
Peter Hegarty
Anne Cecile Leonard, Roman Catholic by birth
Eelste Abels, NNID
Laura Moesbergen
Jen Green
James Patnaude
Momo Michael Bøgh Salo
Lori Mannette
Daniela Tomasino, Arcigay Palermo
Dr Meg-John Barker
Robert Smart
Jamie Cox
Robert Shine, New Ways Ministry
Francis DeBernardo
Roslyn Hart, Family
Rachel Schmidt
Annette Shine
Marianna Psaradellis
Michael J. Iafrate
Maya Kathrine Andersen
Marie-Anne JEHL, Réseaux du Parvis – France
Esther Hreen
Elvira Mejía, UFBA
Steve Fanagan
Sjef Smeets
Melinda Spataro
Lana Callus
Patricia Vhay
Craig J. Franz, FSC
Casey Lopata, Co-founder of Fortunate Families, Inc.
Christine Nutter
Phyllis A. LaVigna, LCSW, Counseling & Disability Services, LLC
Martin Pendergast
Mary Ellen Lopata, Co-founder of Fortunate Families, Inc.
Tóth Marcell
Jacob Hartley
Ted von Eiff, Dignity USA
John Doyle, DignityNY
Alexandra Kontiza
Aasmund Robert Vik, Senior activist since 1968 – and active Catholic /volunteer
Kathryn Harter
Brian McLauchlin
Katarina Riini, Indigenous peoples
Karyn Jacobs, Mother of a gay son and advocate for change in uniformed opinions in our Church.
Filio Katsarou
Τσίτσος Δημοσθένης
Anne Regan, Psychologist
Joe Roy
Loretta Fitzgerald
Barry Blackburn, I sincerely support this
Lidia Borghi
Janet Moriarty
Edwina Gateley
Shannon Hughes
Julian Steed
Lizzie Sextro
Claire Pluecker
Anna Marie Ciarrocchi
Dust Lancaster
Daniel Crusius
Rev’d Peter Weeks
Robert Comiskey
Kori Pacyniak
Shawn Newmann-Batarse
S. de Jong
Léto Lafosse-Marin
Helen Richardson
Sharon Friedenbach Morris
Maxence GUINOT
Carla Pintado
Maëlys Yo
Lucie Brideau
Katelynn M Timony
Beatrice D’Alimonte
James Morton, Scottish Trans Alliance
Jackie Lyne
Duane S Sherry
Lisovski Leo
Georgia Andrews
Cynthia Mioduchowski
Joe Boyer
Bertha Haas, Catholic
Jos M.F de Vries – Spaans, transgendercare
Jennifer O’Malley
Joseph Perry
Enya Fahrenwaldt
Enrique Riojas Berazaluce
Catherine Wilson, Clinical Psychologist & Ally
Colin Bull, A victim of the Church’s oppressive sexuality education.
Michele Becker, Catholic (comment: super angry, barely hanging on
Cynthia Gage
Finn Atley
James Maci
Xana Moungondo
Pat Malone, Catholic Religious concerned for the effect of such a document on staff and Students
Jackie FRETT
Lauren Foy, Former Co-convenor NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
Moira Byrne
Terry Travis
L. Dennehy
Scott Pyzik
Brant Harris
Michiko Bown-Kai
Robbie Norton
Martin Grochala
Lorena Olvera Moreno, Widener University
Kelly Wilson, University of St. Thomas
Gabe, Peer
David Gaillardetz, Loyola Academy
Veronica Drantz, PhD
Helen Turner PhD
Yvette Robertson, Allies Academy
Vincent Giacalone
Joshua Anlezark
Christian Trapp Schmitt
Christophe Léger, SOS homophobie, France
Sunny Ozell, Singer, artist
Luann Slinker
Dino Willox
Pavol Holták
Francesco, Ally
Brenda Sandoval Bahena
Zee Adamson Leggett
Tardy Coralie
Helen Yeates
Mathilde Chauvel
Akke hoekstra
Frank McMullan
Enrico Ruscelli, MIT(Movimento Identità Transessuali)
Paula Staunton
Loé Capmas
Caterina Bosco
Sarah Bowman
Natacha Richer
Alli Trudel
Zéphyr S.
Lena Drazic
Antoinette Azzopardi, I call for the preservation of all Intersex rights – their right to chose and their right in equality – every intersex child should have the right to chose themselves!
dafni potamiti
Alicia Da Costa
Paul Ferris
Guilherme Borges Pires
Brendan Butler
Nicoletta Sciarrino
Sonia Partlett
Zoë Warwick
Stelios Kymparis
Cosimo Caputo
martin mbugua
Odile Fillod
Susan Lear
Effrosyni Mathioudaki
Chiara Sità
Victoria Taube
Petros Theodorides
Geoffrey Thompson
Stefania Pezzato
Dr Mel Duffy, School of Nursing & Human Sciences, DCU
Carolyn Barber
Charalampos ioannopoulos
Mael Coclet
Serafeim Panagiotakis
Freddy Wenner
Amy Harper
Barbara Pirovano
Sandra de Castro Lorenzo
Anthony Durante
Mary Jane Supan, Follower of Christ’s teachings.
Philippos Paganis
Laurent Gilbert, Sr., Former police chief & mayor of the City of Lewiston, Maine
David Brukiewa
Anne Quinn
Ish Ruiz
Rachel Powell, Family members
Elisa Bisignano
Martin Hill
Elen schirmeister
Chiara Bertone, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Tom Saletta
Marg Ryan
Τράντου Γεωργία
Larry Sutter
Charalampos Xanthopoulos
Ermioni Drgn
Pietro Bruno
Florian Lorenzetta Freyss
Alkmini Nes
Paul Brukiewa
Pamela Sabo, God’s creation
Ann Premeau
Antonis Papageorgiou
Micah Haarbrink
Michael Wautier
Andrea Brukiewa
Alesdair H. Ittelson, interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
Manon Praca
Rebekah Ingram
Astrid Dominguez
Karin Rose
Marian Perrou
James Wu
Wanda Bentley, Liverpool Pride
Jen Lysle-van Dyk
Sofia Bisgaard
Allison Lee
Robin Blagg
Payton DeVencenty
Michael Ricci
Barbara Trudel, Christian
Jane Levdansky
Susan Schaefer
Keith Dager
Natalia Anay
Henry McCullagh
Franny Gleisenberg
Andrew D Parsons
Storm Turchi
Stella Paliou
Myrta Gkaintatzi-Masouti
Joost Verhoef
Melissa Perry
Aurore Bosman
Evelyn Gray
Gabriela Cruz Ares
Heather Gooding
Luca Boschetto
Peter Kozak
Brigitte Laplante
Christopher Kourtesis, Greek
Everett Dean
Richelle Hecker
Véronique Plas
Aoife Mallon
Nicolas Maubert, Droit au Corps
Leo Gosme
Maria Mich
Aris Pitas, Fight Back Club
Savitri Hensman
Donna Brukiewa, Megan, Noelle and Riesa Brukiewa
Russell White
Bob Corsentino
Julia Smith, Calvin College
Greg Gorman
Anne Regan, Ph.D.
Michèle Kaas
Nicole Hart
Penelope Worthington
Donald Eoin Macdonald
Fiona Lodder
chris howley
Maighread Hegarty
Marta Prandelli
Colin Jeuring
Ann Van Leerdam
Susanne Bruckmüller
Penny Pullan
Mitzy King
Maria Xanthopoulou
Victoria Walker
Carmen Buechel-Malik
Krissa Burdan
Marie Josèphe Pigeon, Fédération des femmes du Québec
Daniel Brace, Catholic
Anthony K J Smith, Centre for Social Research in Health
Anas Gilgamesh, LGBTQ Rights Activist of Iraq
Stephanie Budwey
Ilaria Ulgharaita, Arcigay Salento
Bob Stoner
Gail Grossman Freyne, WWITCH (Women’s Wisdom In The Church)
Joyce Hamilton
Greta Bilanzola, intersexioni
Maria Michonski, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Alumna ‘19
Alice Troise, intersexioni
Carl G Streed Jr MD MPH FACP, Research Lead, Center for Transgender Medicine & Surgery, Boston Medical Center
Jennifer Siegel MD, Medical Director, Center for Transgender Medicine & Surgery, Boston Medical Center
Penelope Cowell Doe
Michelle Wilkins
Dr Jon Morgan, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter
Andreas Hechler, Dissens – Institute for Education and Research (Berlin/German)
Sherryn Arthur
Helen Basili, Lilly Pilly Counselling Consortium
Elizabeth Manning
Eva Saletta
Cindy Bird
Anna Douglass
alessandro ottazzi, UNSW
Phillip Keen, Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney
Julie Jones
Rachel Deacon, The University of Sydney
Kama Maclean, UNSW
Daria Campriani intersexioni
Katja Stuerzenhofecker
Malinche Sova
Marta Ardesi
Ronan Elders
James Phillips, UNSW Australia
Maria Pacini, Associazione LuccAut – Collettivo BiT. Bisessuali in Toscana
Garth Pearce
Eva Doukaki
Judith Buckner
Magoa Hanke, “Theater der Unterdrückten Wien” und “Verein Spiel_Raum”
Helen Caple, ALLY@UNSW
Ela Xora
Mary Poynten
Mark Willcox, University of New South Wales
Lorenzo Bernini, University of Verona, Italy
David Andrew Griffiths, University of Surrey
Brunella Casalini, University of Florence
Kaylianne Chaffee
Yris Avenel, Trans alliée
Benjamin Gittins
Surya Monro, University of Huddersfield
Claudia K.
Marion Thuswald, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Jenny McCartney, UNSW
Anna Kiss
Thomas Morrill
Bonnie Teece, Ally network at UNSW
Mariella Popolla, Università degli studi di Genova
Moira Clunie
Victoria Edwards
Andrew Brown
Sarah Jo Steinhoff, UNSW
Allison Arndt, UNSW Sydney
Emma Butschek, UNSW ALLY Network
Lilli Hayes
Bliss Forrester, Ally @ UNSW
Mary Ghlay, UNSW, Division oof Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Ryan Ling
Helen Gardner, UNSW Sydney
Ravit Danieli-Vlandis
Gina Lam
Shawn Clackett, Kirby Institute
Rob Gray
Daria Levachova, UNSW
Rebecca Freed, UNSW Sydney
Max Hopwood
Paul Simpson, Kirby Institute
Natasha Rose, UNSW Ally
Jacinta Byrne
Catherine Pogonowski
Dr Rebecca Green, UNSW
Leticia Funston, Sydney University
susanna pozzolo, About Gender review
Raffaella Sarti, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo
Maddalena Cannito, Università di Torino
Federica de Cordova, psychologist, University of Verona
Harri Weeks, The National LGB&T Partnership
Mitchell McBurnie
David Cami, ALLY UNSW
Kata J, AHPRA registered Healthcare Practitioner
Marco Bacio, University of Milan, Italy
Kavarr Isaacs
Steph Keeble
Melanie Sommeling, family of intersex individual and human being
Marguerite Manucci Lasnon
Olga Lucía Camacho Gutiérrez, Brújula Intersexual Colombia
Elisabeth Mehlmann
Wayne Stamp
Stella Bursey
Corrie Playford-Browne, UNSW
Stephanie Roughley, UNSW
Rebecca Lusty, Support worker in the LGBTIQA+ community
Amanda Erratt
Massimo Prearo, University of Verona
Lisa Williams, UNSW Australia
Sabine Jacobs
Daan Janssen, LGBT+ youth organisation Dito! Nijmegen
Giovanna Vingelli, Universita della Calabria
Alex Thinius, PhD candidate, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Elena-Maria Beenen
Beatrice Bagni
Ingelies Schuurman
Eleanor Campbell
Svenja Teepe
Catherine Greenhill, UNSW Sydney
Katie Levick
Alex von Vaupel
Sam Stott
Jenny Jean-Paul
Silvia Selviero, FtM Italia/Voloversolavita2012
Anton Wittmann
Michael Nastari
Katia Repina
Stefanie Mayer, FH Campus Wien, Austria
Prof. Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University and the Center for Mind and Culture
Gabriele Beyreder
Jonathon Marsden, Friend and ally
Babs Rodrigus
Atari Metcalf, Doctor of Medicine (MD) Candidate
B. Knapper
Christa Jacenyik-Trawoger, Ally, University of NSW
Hannah Davis
Arthur Rindlfeisch
Susanne Pichler
Daniela Crocetti, University of Huddersfield
Emili Stevenson
Richard Murillo
Blachon Clémence

[1] Decretum Gratiani, C. 4, q. 2 et 3, c. 3; Huguccio, C. 27, q. 1, c.23; Freisen. 1963. Geschichte des kanonischen Eherechts, pp.343-345; see also derived civil law such as Prussian Code articles 19-22.
[2] See for example, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2015, Free & Equal Campaign Fact Sheet: Intersex.
[3] Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 2013. ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’. A.HRC.22.53.
[4] Yogyakarta Principles. 2017. The Yogyakarta Principles Plus 10: Additional Principles and State Obligations on the Application of International Human Rights Law in Relation to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics, to Complement the Yogyakarta Principles.

Translation thanks to: intersexioni, Hana Aoi