FINA regulations promote human rights violations
FINA, the international body governing competitive swimming has issued new regulations overnight. This statement is our response.
FINA, the international body governing competitive swimming has issued new regulations overnight. This statement is our response.
InterAction for Health and Human Rights is a proud participant in a number of networks and partnerships.
This Health in Difference conference, look out for contributions by Morgan Carpenter, Bonnie Hart and a keynote by Tony Briffa.
This policy draws together legal, ethical, probity and behaviour principles applicable in the governance of Intersex Human Rights Australia (“IHRA”).
This document sets out our policy on advertising on websites that we own or control.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Intersex Human Rights Australia protects the privacy of all personal information collected and recognises the importance of treating personal information confidentially.
These health and wellbeing resources work together to visually map established healthcare needs and highlight potential gaps in services.
Guides to inclusive practice, to help make your service, program or project intersex-friendly.
Our emeritus board members.
Join the intersex studies mailing list on this page Already a member? access the group here We announce a new interdisciplinary intersex studies email list. In recent years, intersex studies has begun to develop as an interdisciplinary field, with conferences at: University of Surrey (2016) University of Bologna (2018) University of Lincoln (2019) Dublin City…
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Our friends at Reach Out Australia and Kids Helpline are updating their resources for intersex youth and parents of intersex youth. We have assisted in the creation of these resources and we strongly commend them.
Our societies have accepted a binary construct between male and female which does not reflect Nature and the enormous variety of possible sexes which overlap one another in various gradations on a spectrum.