Events (page 16 of 16)

Events on, or including, issues relevant to intersex people. Includes Intersex Awareness Day, conferences, research studies, community consultation and forums. Browse speeches made by our directors, with transcript, video or audio content.

OII Australia logotype

Intersex Solidarity Day, Sunday 8th November, marking the birth of Herculine Barbin

Sunday 8th November is Intersex Solidarity Day and Herculine Barbin‘s Birthday. OII Australia and Organisation Intersex International would like to invite others to join us each year by commemorating November 8 as Intersex Solidarity Day. All human rights organizations, feminist allies, academics and gender specialists, as well as other groups and individuals interested in intersex…
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XXY, sex chromosomes

Andrology Australia study of XXY men in Australia

An email from Andrology Australia has been circulating, asking for men with Klinefelter Syndrome to take part in the study. We have emailed the above address asking if other people with XXY are also to be included in this study.