Speeches (page 1 of 3)

These are speeches by IHRA directors on intersex human rights issues, included where we have shareable transcript, video, audio and/or slide content. Browse a more complete listing of events by InterAction and others

Steph Lum, speaking at Women Deliver 2019

Steph Lum at Women Deliver 2019

In TEDx-style, Steph Lum (then IHRA co-chair) presents experiences of some intersex women, in personal relationships and accessing appropriate healthcare, at the Women Deliver 2019 conference in Vancouver.
English / español / polski / русский

Morgan Carpenter: head shot

Kirby Institute lecture by Morgan Carpenter

A recording of a 2019 lecture by co-executive director Morgan Carpenter at the Kirby Institute, UNSW, on “medical and legal contradictions on the meaning and needs of intersex people”.

Health in Difference panel presentation

Steph Lum: panel presentation at Health in Difference

This speech was given in a panel presentation at the National LGBTI Health Alliance conference, Health in Difference, in Sydney, 12 April 2018. Good evening everyone, my name is Steph. My story is a story not often heard – it’s a story of just being a really boring everyday intersex person. Hey. Being intersex just…
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Steph Lum in Geneva, 2018

Steph Lum: speech to Canberra think tank on LGBTIQ inclusion

Steph Lum gave this speech to the Inclusive Canberra think tank, held by the ACT LGBTIQ Ministerial Advisory Council, on 14 November 2017. Tonight I am speaking as a young person with an intersex variation. I’m really encouraged that we have such a positive environment here in the ACT and there’s a lot of energy…
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a still image from Arianna - an adolescent under water with their face sticking out into the air

Candice Cody: statement at the screening of Arianna

This is a statement by board member Candice Cody at a screening of Arianna, as part of the Sydney Queer Film Festival, 2017. My name is Candice and I’m here tonight as a representative of OII Australia which is a human rights and peer support organisation for people who are intersex. I would like to…
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RightsTalk, 22 February 2017: Anna Brown, Imam Nur Warsame, Morgan Carpenter, and Ed Santow

Morgan Carpenter: RightsTalk on protecting the rights of intersex people

On 22 February 2017, co-executive director Morgan Carpenter spoke at an Australian Human Rights Commission RightsTalk, on “Creating Equality – The Role of Law in Protecting SOGII Rights”. The event was hosted by Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow, with Anna Brown, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Litigation, Human Right Law Centre and Imam Nur Warsame,…
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Silent Tears project

The Silent Tears project

OII Australia board member Candice participated in the Silent Tears project this year. The multimedia exhibition by Belinda Mason, with Denise Beckwith, Dieter Knierim and Margherita Coppolino, reveals the lived experience of “20 women with disability who were subjected to violence and women with disability who have acquired disability as a result of violence”. Belinda…
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Arcus Forum event flyer

Morgan Carpenter speaks at Arcus forum: “invisible no more”

Morgan Carpenter has been invited to speak on a panel on the international intersex human rights movement, presented at the conference Creating Change in Chicago, USA. Morgan spoke alongside Natasha Jímenez (Costa Rica), Julius Kaggwa (Uganda), Hiker Chiu (Taiwan), Silvan Agius (Malta) and Kimberly Zieselmen (US). Chicago, Illinois, USA. 22 January 2016. Invisible No More,…
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Morgan Carpenter (OII Australia), Julius Kaggwa (SIPD, Uganda), Hiker Chiu (Oii-Chinese, Taiwan), Kimberly Zieselman (AIC, US) and Dan Ghattas (OII Europe, Germany)

UN side event on intersex and human rights

On Friday, a side event was held at the UN Human Rights Council with intersex human rights defenders from five continents. Morgan Carpenter (OII Australia) moderated a panel featuring Julius Kaggwa (SIPD, Uganda), Hiker Chiu (Oii-Chinese, Taiwan), Kimberly Zieselman (AIC, US) and Dan Ghattas (OII Europe, Germany). The event was very kindly supported by ILGA and COC Netherlands.

a yellow orchid flower, with orange shading

Morgan Carpenter: “intersex and ageing”

A speech given on intersex and ageing to a local NSW audience on Monday 2 February by Morgan Carpenter. It follows the 2012 publication of an intersex-inclusive national strategy for LGBTI ageing and aged care. A massive subsequent shift in terminology from LGBT to LGBTI hasn’t been matched by an increase in understanding or action.