
Policies of Intersex Human Rights Australia relating to governance and to our websites.

Extract of Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change

We present our Theory of Change. The diagram is intended to set out why and how we do what we do, and with what goals and outcomes. Now finalised after a period of pubic consultation, comments and feedback remain welcome.

a glowing lightbulb

Ethics policy

This policy draws together legal, ethical, probity and behaviour principles applicable in the governance of Intersex Human Rights Australia (“IHRA”).

an exclamation mark on a shield

Advertising policy

This document sets out our policy on advertising on websites that we own or control.

a shield with a padlock inside

Privacy policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Intersex Human Rights Australia protects the privacy of all personal information collected and recognises the importance of treating personal information confidentially.

document icon - a page with a folded corner

Our policy on written content

These guidelines are designed to ensure clarity and consistency in written communications, to maintain focus and professionalism.

an outline of a daisy

Anti-violence statement

OII Australia opposes the use of violence, threats or personal insults as a way of pursuing objectives, and has a duty of care towards its members.

a chat bubble containing two lines

On medical diagnoses and health information

OII Australia is sensitive to individuals’ right to privacy concerning medical information and does not require any release of medical information or any diagnosis to be a member of our support groups or organisation.