Submission on anti-discrimination law in NT
OII Australia has made a formal submission to the Northern Territory Department of the Attorney General and Justice. It responds to a consultation on reform of anti-discrimination law.
Public submissions to governments, institutions and other bodies.
OII Australia has made a formal submission to the Northern Territory Department of the Attorney General and Justice. It responds to a consultation on reform of anti-discrimination law.
OII Australia has submitted a shadow report to the UN Human Rights Committee, endorsed by the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations of Australia, National LGBTI Health Alliance, and People with Disability Australia.
A UN Treaty Body, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, has issued a recommendation to Australia on intersex human rights for the first time. The recommendation expresses concern about involuntary or coerced medical interventions.
OII Australia has submitted a shadow report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, endorsed by the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations of Australia, National LGBTI Health Alliance, and People with Disability Australia.
OII Australia has participated in a joint NGO submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The resulting document is the first joint Australian NGO submission to a UN committee to call for criminalisation of forced and coerced medical practices on intersex children.
This submission to a Senate inquiry on an exposure draft marriage bill discusses the role of medical interventions in preparing intersex bodies for marriage, as well as issues accessing marriage. It analyses the implications of marriage laws in Australia before marriage equality.
OII Australia has submitted suggested issues for consideration by the UN Committee Against Torture, for its next review of Australia.
OII Australia has responded to draft proposals for sex and gender identity standards. We have significant concerns about the proposals.
OII Australia recently joined with the National LGBTI Health Alliance, A Gender Agenda, Transformative and Transgender Victoria to agree a joint submission to the federal Attorney General’s Department on non-binary recognition in the federal sex and gender recognition guidelines. It recommends that “X” be redefined as “non-binary”.
OII Australia has made a submission opposing a proposed plebiscite or referendum on the matter of marriage in Australia.
In 2014, OII Australia made a lengthy submission to the National Health and Medical Research Council calling for the prohibition of genetic testing to select against intersex traits. This submission responds to subsequent draft guidelines.
OII Australia has joined with 27 other community organisations, legal experts, unions and service providers to call for improvements to the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 in Victoria.