Data collection (page 2 of 4)

For an introduction to data collection issues, see our page on including intersex in forms and our page on researching intersex populations

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ABS Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Standard

We welcome publication of a new Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Standard by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This replaces an earlier Sex and Gender Standard. The new Standard facilitates the meaningful and respectful collection of data on people with intersex variations (‘variations of sex characteristics’).

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Intersex studies email list

Join the intersex studies mailing list on this page Already a member? access the group here We announce a new interdisciplinary intersex studies email list. In recent years, intersex studies has begun to develop as an interdisciplinary field, with conferences at: University of Surrey (2016) University of Bologna (2018) University of Lincoln (2019) Dublin City…
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Intersex in surveys and forms

Joint statement on the 2021 Census

Intersex Human Rights Australia and the National LGBTI Health Alliance issue this statement following news reports on the 2021 Census.


Submission to the AHRC on protecting rights in medical settings

We are pleased to share our submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions. It is kindly endorsed by the AIS Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations Australia, LGBTI Legal Service and People with Disability Australia.

My Health Record logo

My Health Records

At present, a minority of Australian have digital health records, and such records are not used routinely. As the number of people with digital records increases, it is likely that they will increasingly be used as a way of documenting and tracking our health. The implementation of the government’s national My Health Records scheme for…
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the shape of Victoria, in purple

Gaslighting in Victoria

In mid 2016, OII Australia made a submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture documenting human rights violations against intersex people in Australia. Since around that date, the Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria has systematically removed evidence of human rights violations, including psychosocial justifications for surgeries such as “marriage” prospects, and…
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Darlington retreat

Darlington Statement

The Darlington Statement is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, agreed in March 2017. It sets out the priorities and calls to action by the intersex human rights movement in our countries.

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The intersex population is far more diverse than commonly understood. This page presents details based on a 2015 independent Australian sociological survey.

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New publication “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia”

We announce that the 2015 survey of people born with atypical sex characteristics has now been published. This survey was an independent research project led by Dr Tiffany Jones. The book has been peer reviewed and published by an academic publisher, Open Book Publishers. The strong team of co-authors includes a reference group of community…
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Advance notice: “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia”

In February, a report of last year’s survey of people born with congenital atypical sex characteristics will be published. 272 people with atypical sex characteristics responded to the survey, enabling a comprehensive analysis in the largest study of intersex Australians yet conducted. It will be entitled “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia” and the authors…
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