…President Ros Croucher who concluded it. Morgan Carpenter, Tony Briffa and Aileen Kennedy were glad to participate in the expert reference group. The recommendations for legislative and regulatory reform of medicine, and for community-based research, need to be implemented by States, Territories and the Commonwealth. We want to thank the ACT and Victorian governments for their engagement with us over many years to meaningfully reform legislation,…
…grity is what FINA are striving for, then they have sadly missed the mark. Aileen Kennedy, board director, states: This rule, which assumes a simple and straightforward connection between sex chromosomes and phenotype, shows ignorance and disdain for the many women with intersex traits who have XY chromosomes. Most intersex women with XY chromosomes have been subject, since early childhood, to invasive, irreversible and often traumatising medical…
…nd community as to how they can best be supported to be successful and settled in school and, more broadly, their lives. The submission was written by Dr Agli Zavros-Orr, Olympia Balopitos, Dr Aileen Kennedy and Dr Alice de Jonge. It draws on work by Morgan Carpenter. More information Download the submission (PDF format) More about the Senate inquiry…
…or four days of incredible presentations and intense discussions. Though the difference in time zones wasn’t especially kind to us, we were thrilled to participate. A huge thank you to all the participants on the panel. Moderator – Dr Aileen Kennedy – IHRA Chair Morgan Carpenter – Executive Director IHRA Bonnie Hart – Deputy Executive Director IHRA Steph Lum – YOUth & I Producer Georgia Andrews – YOUth & I Editor Jelly O’ Shea – Communications…
…On invitation, we have made a submission to the Legislative Assembly Committee on Community Services of the NSW Parliament on the proposed Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023….
…Orr (education and pedagogy, Federation University, and DiversityWise), Dr Aileen Kennedy (law, University of New England), and Dr Morgan Carpenter (bioethicist and Associate Professor, University of Sydney School of Public Health). All three are directors of IHRA. The email list uses Google Groups. Join with any email address Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Institution Field of work Your Message Δ Draft guidelines Welcome to this new i…
…la — (2017) 31 AJFL 118’. Australian Journal of Family Law 31 (2): 118–33. Kennedy, Aileen. 2016. ‘Fixed at Birth: Medical and Legal Erasures of Intersex Variations’. UNSW Law Journal 39 (2): 813–42. Lee, Peter A., Anna Nordenström, Christopher P. Houk, S. Faisal Ahmed, Richard Auchus, Arlene Baratz, Katharine Baratz Dalke, et al. 2016. ‘Global Disorders of Sex Development Update since 2006: Perceptions, Approach and Care’. Hormone Research in Pae…
…n Rights Australia Angel Lewis Esmeralda van Rossum Lucie Veith Kylie Bond Aileen Watson Colleen McCartney Kendal Little Wolf Aglaia Papadima David Joshua Edwards Luna Milou Nielsen Sukhoverkova Vika Magda Rakita, www.interplciowosc.org Margot Niels van der Spijk Petra Ybeles Smit, Ubbergen Netherlands Christopher Aidan Sprouls Jennie Kermode, Scottish Intersex Forum Benjamin Lucet, Chiesa Valdese Dr Agli Zavros Orr, Academic maria gisela viera Mi…
…IHRA remains responsible for our interpretation of those discussions and our analysis. More information IHRA submission to the ACT government (PDF version) IHRA submission to the ACT government (Word version) The ACT government web pages presenting the consultation draft bill Kennedy, Aileen, Alice de Jonge, and Morgan Carpenter. 2022. ‘ACT Releases Australian-First Draft Law to Protect Intersex Children from Irreversible Medical Harm’. The Conve…
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